Our Team

Not just specialists, but people who really care about your health and comfort. We combine professionalism with a personal touch to provide you with the best care in a pleasant and relaxed environment.
Д-р Панос Цимплис
Dr. Panos Tsimplis
Doctor of Physiotherapy
Костас Битакос
Kostas Bitakos
Masters of Physiotherapy
Ангел Йовчев
Angel Yovchev
Masters of Physiotherapy
Димитър Къчев
Dimitar Kachev
Masters of Physiotherapy
Лияна Красимирова
Liyana Krasimirova
Masters of Physiotherapy
Наско Панчев
Nasko Panchev
Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Христо Илиев
Hristo Iliev
Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Петя Топузова
Petya Topuzova
Bachelor of Physiotherapy