Neck pain

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The neck is a well-organised structure of bones, nerves, muscles, ligaments and tendons.

The cervical segment of the spinal column is made up of 7 vertebrae, separated by intervertebral disks. These play the role of natural shock absorbers and are full of a jelly-like substance.

They have a stabilising effect and allow us to move our heads smoothly whichever way we want.

Let’s not forget that the vertebral artery is located there, which goes through the foramen of the cervical vertebrae and supplies important parts of the brain with blood. The cervical segment is much more mobile than the thoracic and lumbar segments, which means it’s more vulnerable to trauma and injury.

It’s no secret that a large number of people go through neck pain at some point in their lives.
Unfortunately, nothing is permanent, including in particular the human body. As soon as we get up from bed gravity has an effect on our spinal column.

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Incorrect posture in front of the computer, smartphone or tablet or while driving may cause muscle imbalances, intervertebral discs and arthritic changes in our vertebrae.

A very large number of people experience degenerative changes in the spinal column.

Of course, age is also a factor, but with advanced technology and our sedentary lifestyle more and more young people experience pain in their necks. Over time, our natural shock absorbers or intervertebral discs get dehydrated and start to degrade.

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The space between the vertebrae reduces, which may restrict movements or compress the nerve roots.

The most common complaint is neck pain and numbness.. On most occasions, symptoms get better after a few days, but when the pain lasts for weeks and months, it may be an indication of some underlying problem and the sooner you address the issue, the better..

These are the most common symptoms when dealing with pathologies of the cervical segment:

  • Sharp or burning pain at a specific point
  • Sensitivity or pain in the region as a whole
  • Pain or tingling which spreads to the shoulder and arm
  • Headache
  • Sleep problems
  • Dizziness

When we’re in a strong draught, or go to bed with damp hair, or drive with an open window for a long time or catch a cold from the air conditioning, our muscles get inflamed (myositis) and the pain is usually quite sharp. Neck pain is experienced in the morning and gets stronger when you move about or press it.

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One of the most common conditions to result from bad posture and constantly looking downwards is a protracted head pose.

Strong muscle disbalance is observed. This head pose also greatly increases pressure on the vertebrae and may lead to quicker onset of degenerative problems in the spinal column and even cervical disc herniation.

At Okto we believe that the combination of high-quality equipment, manual therapy and exercise is the right approach for treating and preventing musculoskeletal pathologies in the cervical segment.
